Please feel free to call us at 952-842-9000 with any questions. Office hours are Monday-Friday 8AM to 5PM. We also have an After Hours line which can be reached by calling the office number (952-842-9000) 5PM to 10PM. Messages left after 10PM will be returned the following business day at 8AM.

FAQs: General

Q. What is the service you provide?

A. IHLC collects the specimens (e.g. almost always single-stick blood draws) and delivers them to the lab so your ordering provider can get the results to make decisions about your care without you going to the clinic or hospital.

Q. How do I begin to receive services from In-Home Lab Connection?

The two most common ways to begin receiving services with IHLC are as follows:

1) The provider, facility or care manager calls IHLC/Homecare at 952-842-9000 to inform us that they wish for services to be started. We then receive a facesheet/demographic as well as an order from your physician sheet via fax. Once the information is put into our secure database the phlebotomist will call the patient or designated contact the evening before the draw or specimen collection is ordered for and will introduce themselves as well as scheduling a specific time that works well for the patients schedule.

2) If a patient or family member calls us directly to request services we will take down the name, date of birth, phone number and physicians information over the phone. Once IHLC has approval, we will call the patient or family member back to alert them that we have approval and then will follow the process in #1 above.

Q. Do you sell Finger-Stick INR machines or strips?

A. IHLC does finger-stick INRs for patients but does not sell the machines or strips. Check with Medical Supply companies if you want to buy them.

Q. Do you still do Footcare?

A. IHLC stopped doing in-home footcare in 2018. Contact Happy Feet to determine if they are taking in-home patients.

FAQs: Phlebotomy/Specimen Collection

Q. Why do we use phlebotomists?

A. Our phlebotomists work in a hospital or clinic lab and work part time for IHLC. They are highly trained to do blood draws and with their experience are almost always “single stick” because they do so many draws every day. 

FAQs: Insurance

Q. What insurances cover your service?

A. UCare has the best coverage for our services. Some plans from Health Partners and Medica cover our services, but please call the office and we will verify whether you are covered or not.

Q. Does insurance cover phlebotomy/specimen collection services?

A. The insurances that cover phlebotomy and specimen collection services are: UCARE, Health Partners and Medica (Only when they are the primary insurance company).

Q. If insurance doesn’t cover your services, how much will I have to pay?

A. The cost for private pay is $75 per visit. This will be billed monthly to the designated person. We accept checks and credit cards.

Q. Why do Medicare and other insurances not cover our service?

A. We have tried for years to convince insurance companies of the value (i.e. quality/cost) of our service, but they continue to decide not  to add it in their coverage. Please contact your Medicare Advantage (or other plan) care manager and tell them you want this added because it is much simpler and safer than being transported to a clinic (which is covered by many plans).

Q. Why does my insurance company say it covers this service and IHLC says it doesn’t?

A. All insurances pay the lab to process the specimen and a very small amount to do the draw. By “covered” they mean they pay IHLC that same very limit amount to do the draw. That amount does not cover even IHLC’s administrative cost.

FAQs: Private Pay

Q. What are the options when insurance doesn’t cover for IHLC services?

A. If insurance doesn’t cover for services, IHLC offers a private pay option which is billed monthly and can be paid by either check or credit card.

Q. Does IHLC allow credit card payments through the web page?

A. Unfortunately, IHLC does not have an online portal to accept credit card payments. The patient or caregiver can call in and pay over the phone with a credit card number.